Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow ball Fight!

We rarely see a Southern Snowman, (although I am sure he would be a true gentleman) but we have had some frigid temperatures this year! After returning from an "ice" day,we read stories about snow and ice.
To get a taste of snow packed action that we often miss, and burn some energy, my student teacher decided we would have a snowball fight! (I love inspiring young minds!) The students each chose a word to write in the snow(on a white sheet of paper). Then we rolled our snowballs and the fun began! The children quickly began throwing their snowballs. When they heard "FREEZE", they picked up the snow ball closet to them and read their word. They compared with the person closet to them to see if they had the same word. Then they rolled the balls again for more fun! Everyone was a winner!



  1. What a great idea! I love a plan that mixes physical activity with a learning activity. Studies show that when the blood gets pumping the brain is ready to learn. Looking forward to more great posts!

  2. This is a great idea. I would love for you to link this post to Read.Explore.Learn on my blog.
